Saturday, October 26, 2013

Babies 5 and 6

Screenshot-47I placed Jodie onto the play area in the yard so I could go meet the next father. I decided to head over to a small diner in town in Oasis Landing and then try to get romantic with someone. I was hoping for a sim-bot, to see what happens.Screenshot-48And that’s where I met Clank, I explained my mission and he said he would love to participate. We decided that it would disturb the kids to see a stranger considering they were with a baby sitter and they were so young that we decided to woohoo in a small private room at the back of a diner.Screenshot-49As I was driving home I couldn’t help thinking again and again about how it might be like to have 100 kids, why did everyone else seem so prepared, like Cadence Sierra, Calista Smith and Destiny Rose. I seemed so unprepared, so foolish. I pulled into the driveway and could see Jodie press her face against the window waving. She was so cute.Screenshot-50I flew around in the yard a bit before bed,Screenshot-51Screenshot-52Unfortunately I’m still learning.Screenshot-53I laid calmly down in my dream pod as soon as the crying and fussing was taken care of.Screenshot-54Screenshot-55Screenshot-56 I dreamed of my family and my newest soon to be’s.Screenshot-67 A month later I found out I was pregnant with my little baby/babies. I set up their room with a jungle theme.Screenshot-69Too soon it was Birthdays and moving on’s, I still haven’t processed that one day they’ll age up and leave.Screenshot-71I think Jodie became an absolutely adorable little girl. Isn’t it ironic her shirt says big sister because she’s the biggest sister and child of the challenge.Screenshot-70Annie next!Screenshot-72Annie looks alot like Jodie did, she even has the same traits!Screenshot-73George next!Screenshot-74 Screenshot-75I didn’t take a picture of his birthday cake but here’s Freddie!Screenshot-76 9 months later my due date came and I went into labor. It was too late to go to a hospital.Screenshot-77Welcome Ethan Bridges!and…Screenshot-78Venus Bridges!

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